Monday, November 19, 2012

Looking worse

Shaina has deteriorated since this afternoon. She is currently on life support in the ICU and the doctors are concerned with her lack of brain function. They are giving her dialysis to try and get all toxins out of her system and will conduct further neurological tests in 24 hours. For now, mom, dad and I are at the hospital and will be by Shaina's side as much as possible throughout the night. David is stuck in Omaha until the first flight tomorrow morning, but he will be with us tomorrow.

The doctors are very concerned, and have warned us that things are not looking favorable for a recovery. But they know and we know that Shaina is stronger than any of us and we are holding onto hope that she will somehow pull through this overnight. We appreciate everyone's love and support as we wait to see what the next hours bring.


  1. For what it's worth, I'm thinking of you all more than I ever had tonight. My love, prayers and everything go to Shaina and the Johnsons...they are truly some of the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing.
    Alina, please give my and miss you all deeply!!!


  2. I'm praying for Shaina and the Johnson family! I love you all!

  3. The Esquivels and Scotts are so sad to hear this news. We love Shaina and family and are praying for you all. Please let us know if there is anyuthing we can do.

  4. This just brought tears to my eyes. Words can't thoughts and prayers are with you always. Shaina you are such a fighter.

  5. Dear Joan,
    This is Pam Scott, Daniel's mom. We just heard the news of Shaina's passing. Our family mourns with you and yours. Please let us know if there is anything you need. Our sweet children fought the good fight. Much love to you and yours.
